Electronic Publishers of Paranormal, Science Fiction, New Age and Metaphysical Stories
in e-Book and POD Formats!

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We publish science fiction, alien contact and UFO sightings in Palm ebook and Adobe Reader PDF formats. We specialize in alien abduction, UFO sightings, metaphysical, New Age and channeled e-books, including true-life ghost stories, walk-in experiences and ebooks about paranormal activity. Our metaphysical e-books include time-travel and reincarnation stories, true-life out-of-body experiences and tales of astral projection.

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Conversely, there is a dark side to all aspects of light. For this reason, we have created a new imprint, Dark Realm Press, for our dark side e-books.. If you like Horror, Thriller and Vampire stories — scary ebooks to read on your Palm Pilot — then these e-books are for you!

Coming Soon…

The Women of Woden

Book I of the
Mystic Women of The Realm series

by Robbie Collins

New Releases… Now Available!

Tales of the Infinite
by Rachel Wyrick

(Paranormal Short Stories)
A Capitol UFO
by Gary Dillman

(UFO Sighting Story)
Personal Justice
by Bob G. Stidham

(American Heritage Western)
by J. Troy Seate

(Erotic Paranormal Thriller)

Attention Authors! Due to overwhelming response, submissions are temporarily closed.
Click here to review our guidelines and check back with us in the future.

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